
A Message From NCTCOG
Environment & Development
Funding Resources and Incentives for Energy-Related Programs

Dear Colleagues,

In Fiscal Year 2025, NCTCOG will once again focus on sending out quarterly updates with a digest of funding resources and incentives related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy resilience and other related topics that may be of interest to our members. This email is the second of these quarterly updates. We hope that you find this curated list helpful as you are considering implementing new projects or programs at your entity and are looking for funding! When considering any funding source or incentive program, always confirm your eligibility first and start the application process early.

A copy of these quarterly updates will be posted on the Energy Management, Efficiency, and Renewable Energy webpage for ease of reference. Did we miss an important resource or incentive that you are aware of? Share your feedback with our team!

Quick Links
Check out these new resources now available on the Conserve North Texas website!

Featured Funding and Incentives

Human-Centric Analytics for Resilient & Modernized Power Systems (HARMONY)

The Office of Electricity (OE) is looking to fund higher education institutions’ research and development and demonstration (RDD) activities that enhance the electric grid resilience and reliability while helping human operators in one of the following areas: risk analytics, cybersecurity and grid communications, or human factors.

Deadlines: Concept Paper Deadline: January 27, 2025. Full Application Deadline: March 20, 2025.
Eligibility: Institutes of Higher Education and Nonprofits.
Learn more here: Fed Connect

New Technology Implementation Grants (NTIG) Program
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has extended the application deadline for the New Technology Implementation Grants (NTIG) Program until January 31, 2025. An estimated $10.9 million in grant funding is available to offset the incremental cost of emissions reductions of pollutants from facilities and other stationary sources in Texas.
The NTIG Program provides grants for three categories of projects:
  • Electricity storage projects for renewable energy.
  • New technology projects that reduce emissions of regulated pollutants from stationary sources.
  • New technology projects that reduce emissions from upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas industry activities.

A few key points of the program are:
  • TCEQ will reimburse up to 50% of allowable, eligible project costs.
  • Applicants awarded a grant must bear at least 50% of the costs to implement the project.
  • Projects will be evaluated and scored based on criteria including emissions reduction capability, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with program goals.
  • A minimum of $1 million will be set aside for Electricity Storage projects related to renewable energy.
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include Individuals, Corporations, Organizations, Governments or Governmental Subdivisions or Agencies, Business Trusts, Partnerships, Associations, or other legal entities. Applicants must be the Owner or Operator of a stationary source located in the state of Texas.

Blue Sky Training Program

As advanced battery storage technologies continue to be deployed, communities must be prepared for their integration. Additionally, stakeholders need assurance that new or existing energy storage systems (ESS) will function safely and reliably. Through funding by the Department of Energy, the Blue Sky Program will train first responders, law enforcement agencies, local communities, utilities, authorities having jurisdictions, and others on how to respond to unanticipated failures of ESS. Award amounts are $275,000.

Deadline: February 2, 2025
Eligibility: Prime applicants can come from one of the following listed below; sub applicants can include: Institutes of Higher Education, For-Profit Entities, Non-Profit Entities, State and Local Government Entities, and Indian Tribes
  • Owners/Operators of a utility scale ESS or a facility sited ESS that is 100 kW or greater in size, such as those used to support commercial, industrial, and public service facilities
  • A host site entity with access to a utility scale or facility sited ESS that is 100 kW or greater in size
  • An entity with an agreement that grants an appropriate level of access a utility scale or facility sited ESS that is 100 kW or greater in size needed to conduct in person site visits and exercises described in this NOFO
Learn more here: Fed Connect

EnergyTech University Prize 2024

The EnergyTech University Prize, organized by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Technology Transitions, invites students to craft innovative business plans for energy technologies. This competition promotes clean energy commercialization and fosters entrepreneurial skills among students while encouraging faculty to elevate energy-focused programs at their schools.

Teams of students compete regionally and nationally by presenting business plans for energy-related innovations, with an opportunity to win substantial funding and gain mentorship. There will be an informational webinar on January 23, 2025 (register to join).

Deadline: Student teams must submit materials by February 3, 2025.
Eligibility: Open to collegiate students and faculty across the U.S.
Learn more here:  

Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystems Benefits 2 (SolWEB2)

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) has announced the Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SolWEB2) funding opportunity, which will award up to $11 million for research and development, technical assistance, and stakeholder engagement activities that improve the compatibility of large-scale solar (LSS) facilities with wildlife and facilitate the dual use of land for agricultural and solar energy production, also known as agrivoltaics. SolWEB2 projects will help stakeholders make informed decisions about solar energy by testing and implementing strategies that improve LSS siting processes and outcomes for wildlife, ecosystems, and communities that host LSS facilities and produce energy locally.

There are two topic areas for this funding opportunity.
Topic Area 1: Wildlife-Solar Energy Research, Technical Assistance, and Stakeholder Engagement
Projects in this topic area will improve stakeholders’ ability to implement strategies that increase the compatibility of LSS facilities with wildlife and ecosystems. This topic area has two areas of interest:
  • Strategies to Mitigate Adverse Impacts on and/or Maximize Benefits to Wildlife
  • Wildlife-Solar Technical Assistance and Stakeholder Engagement
Topic Area 2: Agrivoltaics Technical Assistance and Stakeholder Engagement
Projects in this topic area will develop and disseminate informational resources, make research and data more accessible, educate new audiences, facilitate collaborations between stakeholders from different sectors, and provide technical assistance on agrivoltaics. 

DOE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of project teams for this NOFO. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations that may wish to participate on a project to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships. The Teaming Partner List will be available on EERE eXCHANGE and will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.

Deadlines: Concept Paper Deadline: February 14, 2025. Full Application Deadline: May 2, 2025.
Eligibility: Eligible participants include Higher Education Institutions; For-Profit Entities (e.g., Environmental Consultants, LSS developers, Facility Owners and Operators, Utilities); Non-Profit Organizations (e.g., Research Institutions, Conservation Nonprofits, Hunting Organizations, Environmental Nonprofits, Trade Associations, Utilities and Electric Cooperatives); and State and Local Governmental Entities, and Indian Tribes.

Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas

The Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) funding opportunity seeks to support rural/remote communities as they develop clean energy projects and infrastructure. This program specifically supports communities with less than 10,000 residents. The goals of the program are to 1) support clean energy projects that lower costs, improve energy resilience/access, increase economic viability and reduce environmental impacts; 2) build clean energy knowledge and capacity in the America’s rural communities; and 3) demonstrate effective energy system approaches.

Interested parties can request up to $50,000,000 for the development and implementation of projects. Eligible activities include projects that improve the cost effectiveness of the energy system, site/upgrade transmission and distribution lines, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, develop microgrids, and/or increase/upgrade electric generation facilities.

Deadlines: Concept Paper Deadline: February 27, 2025. Full Application Deadline: August 28, 2025.
Eligibility: Educational Institutions; Farming Associations and Cooperatives; Incorporated Consortia; Labor Unions; Local Governments; Native/Tribal Entities; Non-profits; Private Sector; Rural Electric Cooperatives; State Governments; Unincorporated Consortia
Learn more here:

Renewable Integration Management with Innovative High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Power Circuit Breakers (REIMAGINE BREAKERS)

The Office of Electricity (OE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), and the Wind Energy Technology Office (WETO) are providing funding for research and development efforts focused on reducing the costs associated with HVDC power circuit breakers. Lower-cost HVDC breakers are essential for integrating renewable energy sources and enhancing grid flexibility. Available award amounts vary based on the topic area and number of awards but will be from $1.5 million to $3.25 million with a 20% minimum cost share of the total project costs.

There are two topic areas that applicants can choose from:
  • Topic Area 1: Standardization of HVDC Power Circuit Breaker Technology
  • Topic Area 2: Innovative HV DCCB Designs

February 28, 2025
Eligibility: Institutes of Higher Education; For-Profit Entities; Non-Profit Entities; State and Local Government Entities, and Indian Tribes
Learn more here: Fed Connect

Climate Smart Communities Initiative

The Climate Smart Communities Initiative (CSCI) provides grants for climate adaptation and resilience professionals partnering with communities to create or advance a climate resilience plan or project. The proposed plan or project should fit into any step of the Steps to Resilience framework. This can be a new or ongoing partnership. Each grant will provide approximately $100,000 in funding over a 12-month period. Exact amounts are awarded based on the scope of work detailed in the application. Awardees will also have access to further training, technical experts, and the support of a cohort.

Deadline: Communities wishing to be matched with an adaptation/resilience professional should complete the community sign-up form by January 10, 2025. Professionals wishing to be matched with a community should fill out the Registry application by January 10, 2025. Final applications are due on March 3, 2025.
Eligibility: Eligible communities are those facing significant climate-related challenges, based on environmental or socioeconomic considerations indicated by federal and state designations, such as the FEMA Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZ). If the project is local in scope, the community should be comprised of less than 300,000 residents. If the scope is regional, the area impacted should be comprised of less than 500,000 residents. The application must be submitted by an applicant team consisting of a climate adaptation and resilience professional, at least one government partner, and at least one community-based organization.

American-Made Large Animal and Solar System Operations (LASSO) Prize

The LASSO Prize, from the U.S. Department of Energy, funds projects that integrate solar panels with cattle grazing (agrivoltaics). With over $8 million available, it aims to enhance sustainable energy, particularly solar deployment, and agriculture through pilot and demonstration programs.
The cattle agrivoltaics system must have a solar capacity of at least 250 kilowatts direct current. Applicants can apply to one of two tracks.
  1. Track for projects have not been created yet or are in early development with award amounts ranging from $50,000 - $250,000.
  1. Track for cattle agrivoltaics projects that are already fully operational at the time of the submission deadline with award amounts ranging from $50,000 - $100,000.

Deadline: March 6, 2025
Eligibility: Eligible participants include U.S.-based For-Profit and Nonprofit Entities, Academic Institutions, State and Local Governments, and Indian Tribes. Teams must include Solar Developers and Farmers or Ranchers.
Learn more here: LASSO Prize Details

2025 Renew America's Schools Prize

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Renew America’s Schools Program invests in decaying public school infrastructure to create learning environments that are healthier and more energy efficient. The program supports school infrastructure improvements, with a special focus on local educational agencies (LEAs) qualifying as rural and/or high poverty. Creating healthier learning environments, lowering utility costs, and redirecting funds to support teachers and students are some of many outcomes the DOE aims to provide through this program.

To date, $372.5 million has been invested in public schools through the Renew America’s Schools Program. The 2025 Renew America’s Schools Program is the third round of funding under this program, with $90 million available for K-12 public schools across the country. Consisting of three phases, the program will help districts build capacity, perform energy audits, and plan/implement energy improvement projects across a portfolio of school facilities.

Deadline: April 3, 2025
Eligibility: Eligible entities are a defined as a consortium of one local educational agency, and one or more of the following:
  • Schools;
  • Nonprofit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements;
  • For-profit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements; or
  • Community partners that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements.

Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants Program

The Department of Energy (DOE) has amended the Carbon Utilization Procurement funding opportunity, which has extended the application deadline for interested parties. This grant supports the purchasing of products derived from converted carbon emissions. This funding will help offset 50% of the cost states, local governments, and public utilities/agencies incur in procuring and using products developed through the conversion of captured carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions. DOE will provide up to $100 million in award money. Individual awards will be between $50,000 and $500,000. Awards require a minimum of 50% cost-sharing from awardees.

Deadline: A concept paper is required and may be submitted any time before the application period closes. Final applications are due on April 30, 2025.
Eligibility: Eligible participants include States, Local Governments, and Public Utilities/Agencies.

Grant Writing and Application Resources

One Last Note

Weatherization Assistance Program
A friendly reminder to share with your community and residents, is that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is extending the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) to June 30, 2029. This program helps reduce energy costs for low-income households by enhancing their homes’ energy efficiency through funds for energy audits and weatherization installations.

Eligible households include those at or below 200% of the poverty line or if they receive Supplemental Security Income. For more information, visit the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs website for the Weatherization Assistance Program.  

Making Energy Upgrades Easier for Your Community

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Google have partnered to streamline the process of finding qualified technicians for home energy upgrades. This collaboration integrates the DOE's Energy Skilled Trades Recognition program into Google Search and Maps, helping homeowners quickly identify certified professionals in their area. By promoting trained and recognized energy technicians, local governments can ensure that energy-efficient upgrades are accessible, reliable, and impactful for residents.

This initiative also supports workforce development, elevating the skills of local technicians and driving economic growth in your community. Encourage your residents to explore these tools to make smarter energy choices and lower their utility bills. Learn more about the program here and the recognition initiative here.

If you have any questions, please email

NCTCOG Staff Contacts:
Crysta Guzman
Sr. Environment & Development Planner


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