RISE Coalition Seeking
Fiscal Year 2025
Cost Share Commitments
Dear NCTCOG Members,
The Regional Integration of Sustainability Efforts (RISE) Coalition is now seeking commitments from those interested in participating in Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25).
The work of the RISE Coalition incorporates the support and outreach that is critical to achieving the Coalition's goals of advancing sustainability in North Central Texas. This work focuses around the aim to align regional partners, leverage resources and best practices, identify funding opportunities, and provide mentorship and networking. Under the FY24 Work Plan, notable RISE Coalition accomplishments included:
The FY25 Work Plan continues to support the goals and aims of the Coalition, and further expands on the work done in FY24 to incorporate that of the Center for Development Excellence. The FY25 Work Plan was reviewed and approved by RISE Coalition members at the July RISE Coalition meeting, and will support:
- Compiling data and identifying local strategies to make improvements on Work Plan focus areas;
- Coordinating trainings and webinars on topics of interest to RISE membership;
- Hosting meetings to share updates from communities and showcase new regional initiatives;
- Sharing sustainability and development news, events, and funding updates with a quarterly Center of Development Excellence newsletter;
- Establishing partnerships with local universities, non-profits, and other entities across the region and state; and
- Administering the biannual Celebrating Leadership in Development Excellence (CLIDE) Awards Program.
For additional information on the types of activities the RISE Coalition Work Plan supports, the approved FY2025 Work Plan is available online for review.
RISE members who participate in the cost share program will have the opportunity to vote on priorities and specific tasks for the FY2025 RISE Coalition Work Plan. The Work Plan focus areas determine which regional sustainability initiatives will be prioritized by the Coalition and inform topics for trainings, webinars, and resource development.
The chart below reflects the cost sharing amounts, which are based on NCTCOG 2024 Population Estimates.
If you are interested in participating in the RISE Coalition for FY2025, please email Corinne Buckley at cbuckley@nctcog.org to request an invoice.
The RISE Coalition relies on entities' contributions to accomplish the valuable work of advancing sustainable development in North Central Texas. Our work would not be possible without your continued support of the RISE Coalition Work Plan. Thank you for your consideration and continued interested in this important regional program!
More information, including past meeting summaries, is available on the RISE Coalition webpage. Please forward this email as appropriate. For questions about cost shares or the RISE Coalition Work Plan, please contact Corinne Buckley at cbuckley@nctcog.org or 817-704-2510.
Corinne Buckley Environment and Development Planner North Central Texas Council of Governments cbuckley@nctcog.org (817) 704-2510